Crisscross word meaning and definition
Beside meaning and definition for word "crisscross", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Ten characters, how to write "crisscross" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:
• Meaning and definition |
• Letter statistic • Hand signs, morse code • Tarot cards, numerology • Other fun |
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Meaning and definition for "crisscross" word
[adv] crossing one another in opposite directions
[adjective] marked with crossing lines
[verb] mark with a pattern of crossing lines; "crisscross the sheet of paper"
[verb] mark with or consist of a pattern of crossed lines; "wrinkles crisscrossed her face"
[verb] cross in a pattern, often random
\Criss"cross`\, v. t. To mark or cover with cross lines; as, a paper was crisscrossed with red marks.
\Criss"cross`\ (kr?s"kr?s`;115), adv. 1. In opposite directions; in a way to cross something else; crossing one another at various angles and in various ways. Logs and tree luing crisscross in utter confusion. --W. E. Boardman. 2. With opposition or hindrance; at cross purposes; contrarily; as, things go crisscross.
Synonyms for crisscross
crisscrossed, cross, mark, reticular, reticulate, reticulated
See also: cover | cross | cut across | cut through | get across | get over | honeycomb | line | mark | marking | pass over | track | traverse |
Related terms: across the grain, chiasmal, cross-crosslet, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, crossed, cross grignolee, crosslet, cross moline, cross of Cleves, crosswise, cruciate, crucifix, intercross, intersected, inverted cross, obliquely, overthwart, papal cross, potent cross, rood, swastika
The fun area, different aproach to word »crisscross«
Let's analyse "crisscross" as pure text. This string has Ten letters in Two syllables and Two vowels. 20% of vowels is 18.6% less then average English word. Written in backwards: SSORCSSIRC. Average typing speed for these characters is 2725 milliseconds. [info]

Numerology Hearts desire number calculated from vowels:
crisscross: 9 + 6 = 15, reduced: 6 . and the final result is Six. |
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